
当前位置:爱高三高考作文英语作文2023高考英语读后续写万能句型模板 续写范文

2023高考英语读后续写万能句型模板 续写范文




Noticing Susan’s unhiness, Rose secretly suggested making a crown with flowers to please her.

It suddenly occurred to sb. that从句=It hit sb. that从句=It struck sb. that从句=It dawned on sb. that从句

She understood that her daughter meant much more than anything else in the world.

This will be a great financial sacrifice for her parents who have already been paying for her college.

It wasthis unique experience thatmade me understand whatever difficulty (= no matter what difficulty) we are faced with (= we may face), we mustn’t give up our hope.



I was stuck for five or six minutes though it felt much longer. My head span dizzily as if the world swirled. At my wit's end, I felt a stab of fear. (“我”的情绪:慌张、无奈)“Don't panic! Papa, Papa, we need your help," Jason exclaimed. In time over came my father.(借助外界帮助)He embraced my neck and pulled back with strength while Jason pinned/pressed down the pumpkin.(一系列动作描写)It didn't work, though. (问题未解决)“Why not tear the pumpkin directly?" suddenly rang out mother's voice. ( 新 想 法 ) In a split second, a creak broke out overhead, followed by a ray of light, which I seemingly hadn't seen for ages. (问题得到解决)But what did I see? My mother was filming all the way. (衔接句)

That video was posted online the Monday before Halloween. To my surprise, soon my video was followed by a sea of likes, my mailbox flooded with similar stories. (衔接句)My big red nose and my sore chin became netizens' favorite topic. A little embarrassed as I was, a wave of warmth welled up inside. (细节描写之我的心情)Then a good idea flashed across my mind. (想法)“Isn't it a good idea to share stories online to choose the funniest? " I told Jason, jumping with joy.(做法,为结局做铺垫)“Amazing! Let's call it Pumpkin's Competition. "Jason giggled. (Jason的反应,照应开头)


2023高考英语读后续写万能句型模板 续写范文



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