1. 来访的目的;
2. 选修课:国学、国画、京剧、武术;
3. 你的建议。
参考词汇:国学——sinology; 武术——martial arts
Dear David,
I came to see you but you were out. I’d like to discuss with you about your optional courses, as it is difficult for you to choose one from those four optional courses: Sinology, Traditional Chinese Painting, Peking Opera and Martial Arts.
In my opinion, you should select one according to your interest. If you want to obtain a general knowledge of Chinese language, literature and some other aspects, you may take Sinology course. If you are interested in painting, you may choose Traditional Chinese Painting. If you just like acting, Peking Opera is the best choice.
If you want to learn how to protect yourself, you can learn Martial Arts. So it is up to you to decide.
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