1. 活动的目的;
2. 活动的内容(如室内升旗仪式,受表彰学生代表发言等);
3. 对此次活动的评价。 参考词汇:疫情 epidemic 五四运动 the May Fourth Movement
On May fourth, in memory of the May Fourth Movement, an indoor commending ceremony was broadcast live in our school, which was meaningful and inspiring during the epidemic.
In the morning, our school held an awarding ceremony indoors to avoid unnecessary public gathering. It began with the solemn flag-raising ceremony, followed by speech from our beloved principal who emphasized the importance of following the spirits of the May Fourth Movement--- patriotism, progress, democracy and science. Then 20 students were commended for their outstanding academic performance and selfless contributions, of whom, one student was invited to share his story with the audience. This activity was concluded with students taking vows in each class.
This activity was highly spoken of by students, for it motivated them to strive for their dreams while braving all the uncertainties.
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