1. 建议礼物旗袍和中国结;2. 说明礼物原因;表达祝福。
Dear Jack,
I’m glad to hear that you are coming back home during the summer holiday and you want to bring a few gifts for your mother that symbolize the Chinese culture.
In my opinion, you can buy the following two presents. First of all, cheongsam, a very beautiful traditional dress for Chinese women, can show the real beauty of a woman, thus I am sure that your mother will like it very much. What’s more, the Chinese knot, which is pretty decoration popular with Chinese, is usually hung in the sitting room of our home. It stands for unity and good luck. Meanwhile, I’m convinced that it will bring good luck and hiness to your family.
Have a good vacation and remember me to your mother.
Li Hua
2.2025年江西省985大学名单及录取分数线 全国排名第几
3.2025年513分在江西上什么大学好 近三年录取分数线是多少
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